Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Week in a Box - Introduction

Allie Thebeau, a junior at MU, naps in her cardboard box on Tuesday outside of the library on MU's campus. Allie and the rest of the executive board of MU's Habitat for Humanity are sleeping in cardboard boxes all week as a fundraiser.

“Are you guys really sleeping out here?” I’ve heard the question a half-dozen times in the past two days, and it makes me laugh every time. Yes. I really am sleeping in a box. The sleeping bag isn’t just for show.
This week I’m taking part in a fundraiser for MU’s Campus Chapter of Habitat for Humanity called “Shack-in-the-Box.” Since Monday, a group of friends and I – Habitat’s executive board – have been sleeping out in cardboard appliance boxes outside of Ellis Library on MU’s campus. We’ll be attending class all week, but we won’t be returning to our homes until Friday.
I’ll be updating this blog all week with pictures and posts about my experiences living in a box, so check back to find out how I’m doing.

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